
Read everything about the services offered by this site,

What do we do for you?

On this website you have the possibility to compare several categories of financial products. To achieve this, it is important to determine your priorities regarding these products. Then you can compare the different options. Once you have made your decision, contact the issuer of the product to order.

This website does not provide you with any financial advice, but it helps you make comparisons in order to find the right product for you. If we respond to your questions for additional information, we do not give you any advice. We do not intervene on your request and we do not have access to your data.

If you have questions about the products, it is recommended that you contact the issuer who will give you more information and answer any questions you may have.

Do we refer to all products?

This website does not compare every single financial product, but a large variety of these. We compare the products of the issuers we have an agreement with, but also the products that we find important to mention on this site.

How to compare?

In order to start a product comparison, you need to define your values. Then, you can start comparing by choosing the category you are interested in. We present a large number of products that could fit your expectations. The order of results is based on your search and the product popularity. The popularity is mostly based on the number of applications. Sometimes our own evaluation or the customers’ comments also play a role in the popularity.

How are we compensated on this site?

When you request to open an account through our website, we are remunerated by the issuer you chose. Usually, we have an agreement with the issuers. Sometimes we are also remunerated by account holders. We only receive compensation in these cases. We do not get paid by the issuers to write a text in favour of them. We write our texts ourselves and we are independent.

How do we guarantee our independence?

We try to reach agreements with as many issuers as possible. We do not therefore focus on certain issuers, which leads us to provide complete and unbiased information. Also, we work with low fees. Thus, our independence is guaranteed.