Confidentiality Rules

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. On this page, we explain how we treat your data when you visit this site,


This website uses cookies in order to provide a pleasant experience for visitors. These are temporary cookies. Sixty days after your visit, they will be deleted automatically. These cookies only record the pages that you visit and not personal data.

Third Party Cookies Addthis

This site uses the services of Addthis, which allows you to share information on social media. This service also uses cookies, called “third party cookies”. We do not manage these cookies. For more information you can visit the site, and if you wish change the settings for these cookies.

Google Tracking Cookies

This site uses Google cookies. We use these cookies to know your behaviour and profile during your visit. Your IP address is anonymized in these cookies. These cookies allow us to offer you advertising adapted to your interests. The information we use comes from Google. If you want to change this Google data or know more about this, you can visit google settings. In the future, it will then be possible not to receive any more personalised advertising.


The messages you send to our website may be recorded so that we can answer your questions in a better way and improve our service.

Saving your Data:

During your visit, some data will be saved automatically by the server. (The page requested, the IP address, how you arrived at this site, your browser, the date and time of your visit.)

Change this data?

You always have the right to ask us to make a change in your data or to delete it. You can contact us using the contact form.

Other websites:

This data protection is only valid for this site.

Data sharing

This website will never share your data without your permission.


This site takes care to properly protect your data.

Change in data protection:

This site may change its policy regarding data protection. The last change took place in October 2012.