Who are we?

Netcapital.nl is the creator of this website. NetCapital is a company specialized in comparison websites of financial products. It has popular websites in several countries including the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.


With this website, we are trying to provide a clear and effective comparison of financial products. We have developed this website in order to help you choose based on your own incentives, a financial product that suits you. We always provide a comprehensive selection without imposing our own opinion.

Futures Plans:

We are constantly subjecting our website to content evaluation. We work to give you more information as well as to improve our sites. We are continually developing information about new financial products to add to our website.

Suggestions or Comments?

We would like to hear your opinion about our website. Do not hesitate to send us feedback if you find errors or if there is something you dislike. This site has been constantly updated with feedback from visitors. Contact us if you have a comment, whatever that may be!

Want to advertise?

This site offers the option to issuers of financial products to publicly show their products. Would you like to know more about this? Please contact us!

Visitors’ addresses and e-mail

This site has been created by the company NetCapital.

Company name : NetCapital BV
Street : Spacelab 47
Postal Code : 3824 MR
City : Amersfoort
Country : Netherlands

Chamber of commerce: 58369465
VAT: NL85300828B01
Phone number:  0031-641815487
Fax :  0031-848316428
Email: dirk.folkerts@netcapital.eu