Tata AIG insurance Company is a partnership between TATA Group in India and the American International Group (AIG). Formed in 2001, Tata AIG provides varied and competitive policies from motor to lifestyle insurance plans and serves many Indian citizens. Regarding car insurance, you can certainly find the basic third-party protection plan and the comprehensive one.

The coverage offered under the third-party plan is for injuries or death caused to other parties and accidental damages caused to their property. The comprehensive plan offers a more complete coverage. This includes damages or loss of your own car, personal accidents that may occur to the driver and liabilities to third parties.

What is more, there are 13 additional services that individuals can choose from for better protection. The long list includes coverage of depreciated car parts, provision of a hired car during repairs or return to invoice coverage where the insurance pays back the whole price of purchase of the car in case of loss. Moreover, you can find no claims bonus protection, loss of personal belongings coverage or indemnity of emergency transport and hotel expenses.

The several add-ons can be selected under the schemes provided: Gold, Pearl, Pearl Plus, Titanium and Platinum Plan. Individuals can buy a new plan, renew an old one or switch their insurance plan on tataaig.com. It is quick and easy to apply by filling in your car and personal details.

Then you can get your preferred plan and add-ons and see the premium you pay. Payments can be done by bank card or online banking. Discounts on premium apply to members of Indian automobile associations and on vehicles with anti-theft devices.


  • 13 useful add-ons to choose from
  • Several types of policies to include added protections
  • Quick and easy online application
  • More than 2,000 garages to visit at the insurer’s expense

Costs & Conditions

Third Party CoverUp to Rs. 7.5 lakhs
Types of coversBasic Cover, Road Side Assistance
Cashless Garages2,000 +
Incurred Claim Ratio83.74%
Personal AccidentsUp to Rs. 7.5 lakhs

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